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Free Group Study Guide

Minister to business people in your congregation, company and community

Bible Insights for Business Leader Effectiveness (BIBLE) is a 12-week course designed to help business leaders live their faith at work, and benefit from applying the Bible's wisdom to the challenges they face everyday.

The course is structured to promote discussion, networking and relationships among the participants, which is an interactive format that is enjoyable and allows participants to learn from each other. It can be shortened, rearranged or tailored easily to accommodate session leader or participant priorities and preferences.

The course uses the book Lead and Succeed as a text. Lead and Succeed was written by Sara Moulton Reger, a business leader who has spent more than 20 years documenting Bible answers to business challenges. The book is structured to be a ready reference to help leaders know how to take the best action. It includes Bible passages along with explanations, steps and stories that bring them alive for business, helping leaders to:

  • Establish authorities and responsibilities
  • Build commitment and motivation
  • Communicate effectively
  • Build teams
  • Correct others
  • Address strife and resistance
        and more...all the while maintaining their spiritual values
          as they succeed in today's business world

Options to purchase Lead and Succeed

  1. Significant discounts are available for quantity purchases. To learn more, contact Sara

A Pastor's Endorsement
Click here to read the letter